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Transitional Kindergarten

Branches Learning 

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Grades TK-12

Blue Ridge Academy partners with Branches Learning to offer a live, virtual classroom for instruction. These cohort classes are project-based, meet CCSS, and engage Learners in real-world issues through personally meaningful projects. Students identify an issue, complete research, and present an evidence-based solution. Instructors are successful in providing an engaging and fun learning environment due to their long, productive history with the homeschool population. Classes meet twice each week at the same time and day throughout the school year. Attendance is mandatory. Live cohorts focus on grades 2-12. Theme-based kits are available for TK. Supplemental enrichment classes are available for K-1.

Grades 2-12, TK kits, Grades K-1 supplemental, virtual, synchronous, project-based, instructor-led, AG, Honors

Lincoln Empowered


Grades TK-8

The Lincoln Empowered curriculum delivers textbook-free instruction that generates student excitement and creativity in science, language arts, math, social studies, wellness, music, and visual arts. Each thematic unit and lesson provides a variety of digital learning objects such as instructional texts, videos, games, interactive simulations, and assessments which gives students multiple ways to engage with, understand, and demonstrate mastery of the content. By breaking national and state standards into key learning objectives and presenting students with concrete learning objects, Lincoln Learning helps students to master standards in a manageable fashion. Supplemental “Show It” practice activities (worksheets) are available to print and complete. Families may purchase the teacher-add-on service or purchase it as parent-led. Course kits are available for purchase.


Grades TK-8, online, instructor-led or parent-led, activity-based, kits, Show-Its



Grades TK-12

McGraw Hill curriculum is a nationally-recognized traditional textbook program with collaborative options in various content areas. Available as a print edition or digital textbook. Teacher editions are also available.

Grades K-12, digital text, print edition, teacher edition, parent-led, bundles